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Rants and Musings, Odds and Ends from authors Charlie & Diane Winger


Don't let your past dictate your future

Many thanks to Betty Lundgren for her thoughtful and insightful article about Charlie and his memoir, Two Shadows. She writes:
We all have shadows of past transgressions in our lives, but probably not many of us have the title of “felon” on our resume.
(Did she get your attention yet?)
Winger describes in Two Shadows his two very different lives bridged by a love of the outdoors and mountaineering. He had a choice for where he could stand, either in the shadow of what seemed to be an insurmountable mountain or casting his own shadow at the top of a peak in the glorious sunshine of a better life. It is an amazing story demonstrating where the choices we make in life can take us.
The full article from The Beacon can be read here.